Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Finding tough in all decades 20,30,40 even 50ies,
Tennis the Romantic Sport..:-)(¬-:

Start, = love all to start with 0:0= rallies u serve, I return... First chance if right? Ok!!! No, second service!! The score lines... age related!!15, 30, 40 then duce!!!!!!!!!! There is advantage server with duce chance and advantage receiver too with duce chance!!! U cross the court I go down the line come to net only to volley me back! I lob it over u go back for a time forehand backhand half volleys... it goes on like our life for a quiet long =its point when the BALL IS OVER THE LINE...!!!!! The game is won by points with the difference of two!! Two with a difference!!!! Game winning is not set winning set winning does not match winning... that’s y I love tennis, have tried to adjust two balls in my name......

.- h@rk@nt Joshi

Looking inside out…

Yes that’s what I said take the things as they come I have done this and that is nursing Mehta rightly said shakat no bhar jem shwan tane!!!! शकट नो भार जेम स्वान ताणे ..What did one do all that one does is planned by GOD long before ... Less deserving persons are getting in plenty but everyone feels he/she is deprived of ... मगर जहं उम्मीद है इसकी वहं नही मिलता!!But our selfish nature in trying micro-calculations misses sure gained things and cannot enjoy ....लेकिन अपना स्वार्थी जिव परचुरण गणवा मा मोटी चलणी नोट भूली जाय छे. We realize always after the opportunity is lost ...देर से ही सही दुरस्त संभले...वक्त हर त्रेजडी को कोमेडी मे बदलता है... हम्तो चलने लगे ... मंझिल्से बहेतर है ये रास्ते... बधुज योग्य वापरी शके ते ज पामे हम तो नर्सिंह मेहता के वंश है भवे भव नी भक्ति मांग्शु.. शणगारवा ह्रदय ने एक आघात मांगशु ..हर जोडी जब टुटती है तो नॉवेल से दो परस्पर ओप्पोज़ीत मगर मेरेटीयस पुरुष आइकोन है.. देवदास या सरस्वतीचन्द्र .... मै कही बीच मे हु .. है ना ? गुहिंग्लीश मे लिखी ये बाते छु तो ग इ ना ... Full of wasted talents and lost opportunities!!!! Worst is publishing it and doing down further!!!!

Introduction little differently

केमछो? हमें blog ..मे रहेने की चाहत ना होती अगर तुम (u all ) ना हो ते ?! /"\ (:- greetings with a smile. medico age fixed @ 37 yrs yaar .. my हरक त makes me teenager so I have removed rew button ...languages? gun JRE jee hind Lish and non-jack n jill en !!!! ASL knowing that doesn’t require to speak !!! Know most of ings driving, seeing, chatting, fa(u)ltuing ! aansu, smit pavanni badal ni bhasha kyarek samjhan padi jay chhe..oh senti there is a short word for everything in eng A- 2- Z !!Yr mind should be para suits (check spelling it is gunjrejee) keep it open or won't work this ID Profile is like miniskirts reveals more covers less! Oh, stop those SMS jokes...WHY DONT U MAKE YR जरा हटके पहेचान? क़ौन ? मुन्ना मुन्नी कि जाणे मै कौण?

આપ પણ આવીજ રીતે કે જુદી રીતે કોઇ નવો રસ્તો શોધશો ...

Some and few don’ts

Good remarks’ that may fetch wah wah…b ..u…t if that is hurting to someone…avoid !!Do step by step Journey begins with a step Do dig for a cable fault ……See that architecture is kept intact.Every new simple problem in legal/health matters must be taken care of initially... promptly …… a stitch in time saves nine However simple it may seem … may cause unbelievable damage so better late then never you have right to choose …. .others has the same!!!!There are no rules for living life…. This is a rule!!!Anticipate frictions....avoid at all levels, the best is in the initial stage...Use the extra cool ….afterward, everything is volatile Never advice unless forced for... As just said this is an advice! Do not criticize... Even opinion giving and sharing views can produce seeds of futuristic confrontations... that does not mean one should be inert always but know the limits... reactionary things won't be good

If you are forgetting often..??? A remedy …

Memories this .. a trek that will save yr $ pound Rs may be पा चा पे रु च मो ध डा ला / ये क्या है ?pakit, chavi, pen, rumal, chashma, mobile, THE main thing 4 which u r moving out or in .. diary, driving Lc, keep habit of self-check .. advantage: for 15 yrs I m trying these and have not lost a single thing ... forever ... at next destination, his checking me up reminds me the left out.......sorry these personal things ... o k but someone may lose dear ones by 3D (?!) i.e. distance, divorce, death. Worried for monthly accounts? high-ku style poet writing ???try this पे शा मा धो का....1भा लो क पे ह टे गे मे दा दु चे ला - बी/ फीस्कुट अब ये क्या है ?1-paper shak mali dhobi kamvala/li2-bhadu loan kariyanu petrol hapta tele gas(coocking)3- maintenance doc dudh Chanel light 4 bills /fees school tuitions ETC ETC

Classification male female relationships SEXUALLY

Take any age of male with female their advances have certain milestones.Some status and stations 5 gross milestones are generalized this way...

1 Touch

Intentional touch doesn’t require any definition as can easily be differentiated. Both sexes are found taking borderline advantage in the steppe . Rush hours. Lift congestion and so on .. On greeting meet sometimes signals are given by grip pressure inside and touching tapping fingers ... Some casual touch is noticed to be intentional…time extension undue seconds, added gestures make it intensive...

2 Hug

It is advancement from deep touch .here Hug Zappi. Mostly both partners are willing to express love gratitude welcome or bye situations. Complimenting... etc etc

Hugging such a way that private parts are made to touch intentionally… is an advancement on these. No intentional touching of Private Parts

3 Kiss

Where when why who how long just answer these qs and everything is surfaced.

Film heroine kisses on a screen to many heroes she is married also that is a professional hazard or advantage. Western countries up to this level consider O K. No immediate Divorce filed when a spouse finds this it is the pardonable limit. A word of caution yellow card in football kind of thing. In India lot of fuss and secrecy and etiquette pressure is so high that kisses on cheeks also is under fire...

On well coming or Seeing offs Special Occasions this looks decent as well.

It is so good that even Priest says YOU CAN KISS THE BRIDE !!! And the BEST MAN gets the chance, later on, to kiss the bride also!!!!!

This is and can be detailed in like lip kiss, sucking, tongue play, Lips maneuverings, Teeth Counting!! Of spouse by tongue tip, licking.

Forehead and cheek kisses to cousins and near relatives are not seen as frowned up things...

Its frequency and time of listing also have a lot of value...

Many a time a professional sex worker paid one will also allow fuck but without a kiss, if she is not in the mood and is forced and seduced …

4 Deep Touches:

This is almost same as touch with Private Part touching and playing with it…

Sexually society in public does not like it also. So these people will prefer hideouts and corners UN explored and lightless poles …

Adding kiss with deep touch it gives a lot of mutual love exchange and mutual respect to each other. In SENSATE FOCUS TECHNIQUE for dysfunction sexual problems, this path is explored...

5 Inter Course

This has 4 stages as well

*Foreplay, Arousal

By the time stage 4 comes this is overlapping a lot... flushing in erection of penis in male levator ani( A muscle ) contractions spasms liquefying vagina, erected nipples, grunting sounds, jerky muscular movts, depending upon the postures they take up


This is where penetration occurs... and the joyride is on crescendo


Male gets it in form of tiring out in ejaculation. Female goes for multiple vaginal spasms gratitude sensation and pleasure on a rub and a gentle touch to vagina very few cm of it is sensitive, Clitoris gentle touch deep touch also enhances the pick level now recent theory is put in a Sexologist and Psychiatrist joint Conference and they, after all, gave a definition in brief it says

After penetration 1-minute minimum is the time limit below that it should be termed premature ejaculation….


After play. Loving holding each other are better and gradually body ...

The rushed in blood from everywhere to penis returning and it is gradually...

And body prepares for NEXT!!

Here this is very vast subject and a lot is written about all...

I have simplified for a common man to take imp tips fast...

- Dr. H. G. JOSHI

☺₯ Ḧë®,∑åπT ʝ♀$ђ! ☻ 91-9428047078

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